Lalita Ghat Varanasi


Lalita ghat was built by the late King of the Nepal in the northern region of the Varanasi at the bank of the River Gange. A wooden temple of the Keshav with the image of the Pashupateshwar (sign of the Lord Shiva) has also built here at the Lalita ghat in the typical Kathmandu style.

The temple has designed with some wooden figures and statues of the historical scenes and its doors are completely decked with the architectural outline. It is considered that, it is a favorite ghat for all the painters and photographers to catch natural scenes in their paintings and cameras.

People celebrate their local festivals including the musical parties and other favorite moments at this ghat. There is a red building right above to the Nepali Temple. From this ghat, a great scene of the rising smoke can be seen at the Manikarnika Ghat which is the central cremation ghat of the Varanasi city. Puja guesthouse is also located at this ghat by going up to the stairs. A high water tank of the water is also located at this ghat.

How it is Named as Lalita Ghat

Lalita ghat is named after the most renowned goddess Lalita in the holy city of Varanasi. There is a variety of rituals and beliefs of the people about the Goddess Lalita Devi (embodiment of the Goddess Durga) who blesses the entire world. This ghat is one of the most venerated ghats of the Kashi for the devotees from the various corners of the country.

Significance of Lalita Ghat

As the Lalita ghat is named after the well-known Goddess Lalita (personification of the Goddess Durga), people are attached to this ghat by their variety of rituals. They consider that blessings of the Goddess Lalita will eliminate their all problems and fill the prosperity in their life.

Map of Lalita Ghat

Archana Singh

I am an Entrepreneur, a responsible mother of two, a good housewife and a hard working woman. I totally believe in hard work as where I am just because of that. It’s my great passion to be busy in my all time. I respect a person who is disciplined and respect others.


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